What will I get from this newsletter?
“How to Glow in the Dark” is for anyone and everyone interested in surviving a book publishing career, ideally with some success. There’s something in here for all kinds of authors—aspiring, #amwriting, querying, submitting, under contract, post-publication, popping champagne, popping Xanax—as well as agents, editors, publicists, and everyone else who works with books for a living (or wants to).
“Glow” is a publication of Neon Literary, a top literary agency specializing in literary fiction and all kinds of nonfiction for adult readers. We’re on a mission to secure real power (as opposed to just “empowerment”) for authors who weren’t necessarily born entitled to it, in part by demystifying this opaque industry and its many shibboleths.
I, Anna Sproul-Latimer, co-founder of Neon, write most of the posts here, although my colleagues Kent Wolf and Eloy Bleifuss Prados write posts from time to time, as do occasional guest stars.
Subscribers get detailed publishing tips and meditations delivered to their email approximately once a week. You also get full access to our full archive of advice.
We started this newsletter as a kind of in-depth FAQ for Neon clients, made available at a premium for the general public as well. You can expect that kind of compassionate, detailed, expert vibe from all of our posts.
What will I not get from this newsletter?
Here’s the most important thing to know: Subscribing to this newsletter will have NO BEARING on your chances of finding literary representation at Neon, whether with me, Kent, Eloy, or any current or future member of our staff.
Although subscribers are welcome to query us alongside everyone else per our guidelines, please don’t bring up your subscription status if you do. We don’t write “Glow” to schmooze or be schmoozed and hope you’re subscribing in the same spirit.
Another thing that’s worth noting is that we don’t specialize in kids’ books, Christian inspiration, or genre fiction. If you’re writing in these genres, you’re not going to find a whole lot of tailored advice here. I mean, you’re still welcome in our community! Plenty of posts will be useful to you in a nonspecific way. We just don’t want you to feel shortchanged.
We’re glad you’re here!
Thank you for taking part in our mission to make publishing a brighter, less confusing experience for all. I do Q & A posts from time to time. If you’re a premium subscriber with a publishing question, don’t hesitate to reach out to me at anna@neonliterary.com with a message marked “Glow question.” I’ll save it for the next time I do an open-call Q & A.