I really needed this one today. I had grand plans to do the final edits on my novel this summer, but every time I open it, I can tell I’m not in the right frame of mind to touch it.

I finally realized that summer is not my season for novel work. I just can’t get there when it’s hot and bright, when my children are home constantly, when I’m sapped of energy before I begin.

There’s a part of me that said I was making excuses for my laziness, that I was putting it off or being a perfectionist. That last part is probably true, but anyway it also seems true that it needs to chill more. That I need to chill more. That the people asking when when when, who can’t believe I’ve been working on this for years, don’t really know what I’m making, and they definitely don’t know about the butter.

I know about the butter and I know what I’m making. I’ve watched enough GBBS to know it’s much harder when the kitchen’s too hot.

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Thank you Anna 💚

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Thank you Anna. I golfed yesterday for the second time

this year. I had all those same feelings.

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