Gah! Always such a joy to read you (your WWKRD missive is printed and posted beside my desk). Thanks for the wise words and abundant levity - I look forward to every single one of these, and am never disappointed.

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bless you. :sobs:

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Yep. Grind culture will result in writer's, or painter's, or dancer's block. The unconscious always delivers if you feed it with laughter and pleasure.

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Just here to thank you for the MG side eye. 😂

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I love this metaphor! I think it’s true even if, for instance, you personally gain inspiration from some darker places. I mean, I think you can still have an approach of play and observation even if the core of the you you’re “mining” isn’t rainbows & sunshine -- and you’re Ok with not being rainbows & sunshine, if that makes any sense.

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Thanks for lightening the tone of your marvelous blog a bit. While all the posts are gorgeously written and helpful, I am embarrassed to admit I can find them daunting. I'm a semi established writer, and I come away from many posts with wondering how the hell I've managed to publish anything. I'm working on a proposal to submit to my longtime editor/publisher now, and I'm trying to follow your suggestions in the two main proposal-writing posts while not losing my mind in the arduousness of it all. Writing proposals was always a challenge, but with your spot-on advice, it's even more so! (My agent gives me almost no advice on these matters.)

I was in the coal-to-diamonds mode, but this post reminds me of the tenebrescent quality that's actually at my core despite a very rough miniseries of unfortunate events in my life right now. I can have fun AND write a great proposal? Bring it on!

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